LightingGale App

Mobile app puts the power of the LightingGale web-based software into the palm of your hand.

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CIMCON’s LightingGale mobile app puts the power of the LightingGale web-based software into the palm of your hand. Available for the iPhone and Android as a free “Lite” or paid “Premium” version, the LG mobile app lets users easily control basic streetlight operations from a smart phone. The app provides a wide variety of functions and dashboards to manage and view CIMCON’s SLCs and gateways.

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Key Benefits

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Reduces operations cost

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Saves time & energy

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Keeps the city safe

Key Features

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  • Can quickly assess the status of the lighting network
  • Get summary reports of the health and status of lighting assets
  • Helps diagnose issues on the go
  • Accumulates asset data for GIS systems
  • Remote Control

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