SRP Automation
Due to the mechanical nature of Sucker Rod Pumps, they are prone to failures. CIMCON’s innovative technology and solutions offer constant supervision and ensure continuous operation.

Matching the oil inflow with pump displacement through iRTU
CIMCON’s IRTU intelligently adjusts the pump-off time to maintain optimal fluid levels, preventing fluid pounding. This pump-off time can be easily set or modified remotely. CIMCON’s solution also offers automatic start and stop of the pump based on liquid levels, using advanced Artificial Intelligence algorithms without the need for sensors to measure the liquid, ensuring efficient and reliable operation.

Monitoring & controlling the downhole characteristics through Dynacard
With real-time surface and downhole dynamometer plots, daily gauging, and fault and event logging, users can effortlessly monitor multiple fields simultaneously from virtually anywhere in the world.

Configure I/O points through iRTU
The iRTU accepts feedback from a load cell, inclinometer, and current sensors to measure rod load, rod position, and motor torque apart from other sensor parameters. Wireless, radio, cellular, and satellite options allow remote telemetry.

- Monitors time-stamped well data, faults from RTU
- Acquire, compute stroke counts/ pump volume and pump up time
- Remote configuration of RTU parameters
- Display of well data locally
- Provision for manual data acquisition through designated port
- Pump fill monitor and Pump Off Control (POC)
- Monitors well intake, discharge pressure, flow & production
- Downhole pump, tubing, casing, fluid and reservoir models
- Monitor power consumption, efficiency calculation and report
- Monitors fluid level, downhole pump position, velocity, load and rod position
- Actual surface and pump dynamometer graph
- Predicted surface and pump dynamometer graph generators
- User-programmable MS Excel spreadsheet report generator software
- SCADA communication via wired/ wireless communication network

Improved production accounting
Extend pump life


Helps the

Improved data integrity through trend analysis
Early detection of issues to avoid expensive repairs
Alert the operator with alarm messages
Increases manpower availability for analysis